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The role of gender on entrepreneurial intention among students: an empirical test of the theory of planned behavior in a Greek university

Alexandros G. Sahinidis, Apostolos N. Giovanis, Lampros Sdrolias


The purpose of this study is to examine the role gender plays in the formation of Entrepreneurial Intention (EI) and its effect on Personal Attraction to Entrepreneurship and to Perceived Behavioral Control, in a sample of Greek university students. This is the first study of its kind in a Greek university context and it illuminates the way the nation's students view the entrepreneurship option in their career choices. The study also examines the efficacy of the Theory of Planned Behavior in Greece, which is important, given that it presents large variation in its ability to EI from one country to another. PLS analysis, an implementation of Structural Equation Modeling was used, to analyze data collected from 354 business students. Snowball sampling was employed in collecting the data. The results indicate a significant indirect effect of gender on the antecedents of EI, which in turn influence intention. Another important finding is the significant albeit rather weak relationship of social norms and valuations with EI. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of the results within the framework of entrepreneurship in Greece are discussed and the study’s limitations are provided.


Entrepreneurial Intention, Gender, Students, Theory of Planned Behavior, Structural Equation Modeling


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DOI: 10.18780/jiim.v1i2.3057


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