Λογότυπο Κεφαλίδας Σελίδας
TEI of Athens eJournals

The Socio-economic Aspects of the Hellenic Education System: Research Approaches to Monitoring Student Population Socioeconomic Status

Jonh Bouris


The educational system of a nation is closely bound up with contemporary social, political and economic conditions. In attempting to appreciate and evaluate the education system, it is necessary to know something about the socio-economic trends and conditions which have determine its evolution. In this article, through an ex-post sampling research we pursue to reveal the socio-economic status and background of students in institutions of higher education. Determining the above cohort characteristics, we explore some contradictory aspects of our educational system. These are grouped into three clusters. The first one is referred to accessibility rate in Institution of Higher Education, the second one concerns the traditions and generic orientations of the academic studies and third one is focused on the public expenses for the education as percentage of G.IM.P.

In this research, an attempt is also made to determine the factors (drives) that distort the correlation between the education and labor market pyramid. In addition, we try to avoid any deduction logic which transform the treatment of a multidimensional subject to a generic discussion in order to investigate systematically and interdisciplinary some specific "pathogenic'’ themes of our education system.

Πλήρες Κείμενο: PDF (English)

DOI: 10.18780/me.v2i0.158

Εισερχόμενη Αναφορά

  • Δεν υπάρχουν προς το παρόν εισερχόμενες αναφορές.

Η παρούσα εφαρμογή αναπτύχθηκε στο πλαίσιο του Υποέργου 2 "Υπηρεσία ηλεκτρονικών εκδόσεων" της πράξης «Ανάπτυξη Ψηφιακών Υπηρεσιών της Βιβλιοθήκης του ΤΕΙ Αθήνας" και χρηματοδοτήθηκε από το επιχειρησιακό πρόγραμμα "Ψηφιακή Σύγκλιση", ΕΣΠΑ 2007-2013.